Contact us

We love merchants who continuously push their customer service forward. Our team is always there for you.

Contact us

Get in touch with our expert

We'll explain how can Retino help your business. We'll give you a short online demo. We'll help with an individual price quote.

The easiest way how to get in touch is to fill this short form. We'll reach out to you very soon.


    Customer support

    If you already have an account with Retino and need assistance, we've got you covered. We'll gladly help you navigate our app better and troubleshoot difficulties.

    A lot of you questions might already be answered in our online help docs.

    Billing information s.r.o.

    Klimentska 1746/52
    110 00 Prague 1
    Czech Republic

    Reg.n.: 06222234
    VAT ID: CZ06222234

    Please bear in mind that this address is only used for billing purposes. We don't have our offices at this address and cannot accept mail or packages there.

    This is Sparta Retino. And you should try it.

    We think that you'll like it. But yeah, we might be a tiny bit biased there. That's why we offer all of the Retino premium features for free for 14 days.

    App screenshot