6 Tips to Reduce Shopping Cart Abandonment

6 Tips to Reduce Shopping Cart Abandonment

Almost 70 % of online shoppers don’t complete their purchase. The number of cart abandonments is increasing and becoming one of the most serious problems for online retailers. There are many reasons why people don’t complete their purchasing journey. We will discuss the reasons and give you tips how to encourage your customers to buy before leaving your online store.

The top 3 reasons why customers don’t complete their purchase are “extra costs”, “the site wanted me to create an account” or “too complicated checkout process”. There are many other reasons why customers are not satisfied with the buying process and leave your website before buying. Here are some tips how to reduce the shopping cart abandonment.

Keep the shopping cart visible

20 % of buyers who don’t complete the buying process want to save their items in a shopping cart for future consideration.  The best option is to place a shopping cart icon in the corner of your website.


Scarcity will encourage your customers to buy now. A great example how to show your customers that they have a last chance to buy a product is to show how many products are remaining. If they see there is a last unit of a product, they won’t waste time and will buy it faster.

Offer free shipping

44 % of buyers who abandon their shopping carts do it because of extra costs like shipping costs or return shipping costs. Offering free shipping is a way how to stand out from your competitors and encourage your customer to buy from your online store.

Easy guest checkout

Don’t ask your customers for creating an account before the checkout. It will slow down the process. It is better to ask them in the end when they already have completed their purchase.

Use exit-intent popups

Exit-Intent Popups appear when a customer is about to leave your page or shopping cart. You can stop him from abandoning his cart by providing more information about his purchase or offering a deal so they won’t leave your page. For example: “Don’t go, get 10 % off if…


Buyers have many questions when buying a product. They usually aren’t 100% sure about a purchase. Use a live chat to help them with their purchase completion.

Karolína Alvaradová – creates a perfect return process at Retino

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