How to Write Message Templates which Don’t Make You Sound Like a Robot

How to Write Message Templates which Don’t Make You Sound Like a Robot

More than 70% of customers prefer email communication while buying things online. If they don’t get a quick response, they will switch to another e-shop. It is almost impossible to write manually to every customer. You have to think about every single email and it is also risky – you may easily forget something or you’re going to make a typo. For an effective email communication – message templates are important.

A confirmation email about receiving customers order is a great example where you can use the automatic sending of your message templates. You can also use automated emails if you want to wish your customer a happy birthday or show him the latest product offer. Message templates make life easier for you but they have to be well-written. A customer doesn’t want to communicate with a robot. We’ve prepared a few simple tricks for you to make your prewritten emails sound more natural.

Write emails in your brand voice. Is your marketing communication somehow specific? Your emails should sound like that as well. Your customer service and your marketing team must work together. Your emails will look more trustworthy.

Use pronouns. Words like you, yours, we etc. will create a relationship between the sender and recipient. Communication looks more personal.

Use plain language. Use words of everyday life and write shorter sentences. Communication will sound friendlier and natural.

Highlight important words. If a customer just wants to get quickly through an email, it is much easier for him if the words are highlighted. Not to mention that the email looks better. A long e-mail containing a lot of information is useless – the customer is not going to read it.

Message templates themselves don’t make you sound like a robot. If they are well-written, the customer won’t see the difference and you will save your time.

Karolína Alvaradová – creates a perfect return process at Retino

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